Threads: 4
Weaving Difficulty: 10/15
Casting Difficulty: 10 (see text)
Range: Touch
Duration: Spellcasting rank minutes
Area of Effect: 100-yard radius
Effect: Reveals features of the earth
Keywords: Earth.
This spell reveals the contours of the earth in the surrounding area.
The spellcaster closes their eyes, places both hands on the ground, inhales deeply, and makes a Spellcasting (10) test.
If successful, the spellcaster expands their awareness for the duration to understand the topography of the area, which requires their concentration for one minute. If they’re interrupted, the knowledge is lost and the spell must be cast again. This awareness also reveals where the earth comes in contact with other elements (e.g., soil underneath the water, a tree in the soil, a cave within the earth, a fire pit, but not changes in temperature), but doesn’t reveal any details about features of other elements.
This doesn’t reveal the presence of creatures, undead, spirits (including elementals), etc., even if they’re wearing stone shoes (for example).
The Spellcasting result is compared against any features in the area with a Mystic Defense greater than 10. If successful, they're revealed as normal. If failed, they aren’t revealed as appropriate. For example, a kaer doesn't show up as empty space and the entrance appears as unremarkable earth.
Success Levels: Increase Duration (+2 minutes)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+2 minutes), Increase Area (+50 yards)