Threads: 3
Weaving Difficulty: 14/19
Casting Difficulty: 20
Range: Touch
Duration: Spellcasting rank minutes
Area of Effect: 20-yards wide
Effect: Removes the barriers between realms
This spell removes the distinction between the astral and physical realms in the area.
The spellcaster chants while weaving threads, silvery glyphs appearing in the air before them outlining a gate, then kicks down the gates and makes a Spellcasting (20) test.
If successful, the astral and physical realms briefly become the same. This twists the landscape in strange ways — greater astral corruption increases this effect, making the environment considerably more malevolent.
Dual-natured entities are forced into one body if both are within the affected area.
Damage is resisted with the highest of the target’s Physical or Mystic Armor regardless of the normal resistance, and Astral Sight and Awareness are interchangeable.
Effects that allow the user to disappear into astral space (e.g., Step Through Shadow) have no effect, while those which store things in astral space (e.g., Astral Pocket) appear as a mundane counterpart.
This applies to other abilities which may differ or affect only one realm — this list cannot be exhaustive for obvious reasons.
The gamemaster may want to include some interesting environmental effects from the merging of worlds in this fashion, particularly if the corruption level is Tainted or Corrupt. Examples could include corruption manifesting as black, crystalline briars which inflict Step 4 damage when a character moves adjacent to them (no armor reduces the damage), or as dripping ichor from trees in the area and casting spells inflicts penalties or damage — additional successes can be spent to reduce these effects.
Success Levels: Increase Duration (+2 minutes)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+2 minutes), Increase Area (+4 yards)