Threads: 3
Weaving Difficulty: 14/19
Casting Difficulty: 10
Range: Self
Duration: Spellcasting rank rounds
Area of Effect: 20-yard radius
Effect: Empowers spirits
This spell empowers spirits who willingly aid the spellcaster. This includes free spirits who aid the spellcaster, summoned by the Summon talent or the summoning keyword, or with the spirit keyword. The spirit is willing if the spell has the spirit keyword.
The spellcaster covers their fingers in water, draws their personal glyph on their forehead, flicks it into the air, and makes a Spellcasting (10) test.
If successful, the water sparkles with an ethereal light and hangs in the area.
All spirits who come to their aid willingly gain +3 to Attack, Damage, and Defenses, and spells with the spirit keyword gain the benefit of an extra thread. This extra thread doesn’t count toward the maximum number of extra threads.
These benefits only apply while the spirit is within the area, which moves with the spellcaster.
The spellcaster must be entered into a Spirit Pact (The Adept’s Journey: Mystic Paths, p. 187) to cast this spell.
Success Levels: Increase Duration (+2 rounds)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+2 rounds), Increase Effect (+2 to Attack, Damage, and Defenses), Increase Area (+10 yards)