Threads: 2
Weaving Difficulty: 11/16
Casting Difficulty: Target's Mystic Defense (TMD)
Range: 20 yards
Duration: Instant; 2 rounds
Effect: WIL+8/Physical and Knockdown
This spell creates a cylinder of force, striking the target from above.
The spellcaster slams their fist into their palm, grinds it there, and makes a Spellcasting test against the target’s Mystic Defense.
If successful, the Effect test determines how much Physical damage is inflicted and the target makes a Knockdown test against the damage inflicted.
If they’re Knocked Down, they’re pinned and cannot take other actions while pinned. They must succeed at a Strength test as a Simple action against the Effect Step to end the effect. Otherwise, the effect lasts until the end of the next round.
Success Levels: Increase Effect (+2)
Extra Threads: Increase Duration (+2 rounds), Increase Effect (+2), Increase Range (+10 yards), Additional Target (+1)