Threads: 0
Weaving Difficulty: 11/16
Casting Difficulty: Target's Mystic Defense (TMD)
Range: 40 yards
Duration: 1 round (see text)
Effect: Wizard Circle+4
This spell forces a character into continuous movement.
The spellcaster nods their head at a moving target, bows low in a mocking fashion, and makes a Spellcasting test against the target’s Mystic Defense.
If successful and the Effect Step is at least equal to the target’s Strength Step, the target is forced to continue their current movement in the same direction and at the same speed at the start of their next turn.
After the target moves the same distance in the same direction as their previous movement, they may continue their turn as normal.
The target is still restricted to their maximum Movement Rate.
Success Levels: Increase Effect (+2 to Effect Step)
Extra Threads: Increase Effect (+2 to Effect Step), Increase Effect (+2 yards to forced movement distance), Increase Range (+10 yards), Additional Target (+1)