The dragons call us the “younger races.” Those patronizing wyrms can’t see past their own snouts. After all, it wasn’t the dragons who shared the Rites with the world!
— Orlan Quillsong, Theran scholar
Many different types of people live in the world of Earthdawn. They vary in size and shape, color and culture, and together bring the world to life. These people are the Namegivers. Barsaive is home to eight Namegiver races, and there are rumors of more in the lands beyond. Besides humans there are dwarfs, elves, orks, trolls, and even more exotic Namegivers such as the obsidimen, windlings, and t’skrang.
These descriptions are broad generalizations. While we may describe orks as slow thinking but quick tempered, you may create an ork who is quick thinking and quick tempered. Players are free to portray their characters however they wish. However, remember other people may treat your character as though they're a stereotype. You may take advantage of their preconceptions. While the descriptions include information on each Namegiver’s preferred living arrangements, many settlements are inhabited by members of different Namegivers. This mixing largely began in the kaers, as many settlements banded together to build the shelters they needed to survive. Single-Namegiver settlements certainly exist, but aren't all there is in Barsaive, nor necessarily common, let alone the norm.