Step: Rank+TOU
Action: Standard
Strain: 0
Skill Use: No
The adept transfers damage between themselves and a Loyal character or creature.
They first cuts themeslves and the target, touch the incisions together, and make a Blood Share test.
The result is the maximum number of Damage Points that can be transferred between both parties.
For example, an adept might transfer only 7 Damage from a test result of 10, or he might transfer the whole amount of 10. Transferring only 7 points to himself would reduce the target’s Current Damage by 7, not the full 10 points.
Transferred damage never causes a Wound, but if the number of Damage Points transferred causes the adept’s or the target’s Current Damage total to equal or exceed one of their Health Ratings, the adept or target passes out or dies, respectively.
Cavalrymen coined the term “blood betrayer” for anyone who kills another character, mount, or animal companion through the use of this talent.
Erratum: Both parties involved must be conscious and willing participants (Loyal animal companions are considered willing for this purpose) when the talent is initially used. It may not necessarily end this way. This talent can be used rank times per day.